A glut ofIndian-origin hot rolled coil is depressing market sentiment in SoutheastAsia.
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- Kallanish
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- Rentai steel
- Issue Time
- Jul 29,2019
A glut ofIndian-origin hot rolled coil is depressing market sentiment in SoutheastAsia. Prices of Indian material, already the cheapest compared to other origins, could falter some more!

A glut ofIndian-origin hot rolled coil is depressing market sentiment in SoutheastAsia. Prices of Indian material, already the cheapest compared to otherorigins, could falter some more, Kallanish understands.
市场攀升时,贸易商已建仓。一位印度贸易商说,一家大型贸易公司在过去一个月订购了10万吨印度SAE 1006厚度2mm及以上的热轧卷,开始价格为480美元/吨fob印度,后来升至510美元/吨fob。他表示,其他人做法相同,现在正放弃这些仓位。
Traders took positions when the market was creeping up. A large trading house booked 100,000tonnes of Indian SAE 1006 2mm and up thickness HRC over the past month, starting when prices were at $480/t fob India and up to $510/t fob, an Indian trader relates. Others did the same too and are now letting go of these positions, he says.
Most Indian mills are currently offering at $500/t fob, but some are offering at $495/t fob too, an Indian trader says. Current offers from Indian mills to Vietnam are prevailing at $510-515/t cfr, but bids are at $500-505/t cfr, he adds.
Indian HRCis currently offered at $510/t cfr Vietnam, a Vietnamese trader comments. While the supplier is inviting bids at $505/t cfr, he has not heard of bids. Deals for Indian HRC last took place at around $510/t cfr Vietnam during the week beginning 15 July.
However, some Chinese trading sources report hearing an offer for Indian HRC at $505/t cfr Vietnam which others could not confirm.
A regional trader reports that some suppliers are accepting bids at $485/t fob India into the Middle East, which would imply that these suppliers could accept around $500/t cfr SE Asia. But traders are holding their prices because they still have a lot of high-priced unsold cargoes, he says. However, the market could find support if iron ore remains firm till September when the weak Indian domestic market is expected to rebound (see separate report).
越南方面,日本和韩国2mm SAE 1006热轧卷报价仍分别为540美元/吨cfr和530美元/吨cfr。
In Vietnam,Japanese and South Korean 2mm base SAE 1006 HRC are still offered at $540/t cfr and $530/t cfr respectively.
Kallanish的2-2.7mm SAE1006热轧卷估价为505-510美元/吨cfr越南,周环比下降5美元/吨。
Kallanish assessed 2-2.7mm SAE1006 HRC at $505-510/t cfr Vietnam, down $5 on-week.