Iron orepricing sitting at close to record levels could but is not guaranteed toprovide the possibility of more scrap consumption versus iron ore.

Iron orepricing sitting at close to record levels could but is not guaranteed toprovide the possibility of more scrap consumption versus iron ore.


Iron ore pricing sitting at close to record levels could but is not guaranteed to provide the possibility of more scrap consumption versus iron ore.

国际回收局(BIR)废钢部门负责人Greg Schnitzer表示,当前夏季低迷期持续的时间比以往更长,土耳其钢厂异常的采购模式导致本就不确定市场雪上加霜,但废钢市场前景良好。

Better times are ahead for the scrap market following the current summer lull that is lasting longer than usual, with the unusual buying pattern by Turkish steel makers adding to an already uncertain market. This is according to Bureau of International Recycling (BIR) Ferrous Division President Greg Schnitzer.


Iron ore pricing sitting at close to record levels could but is not guaranteed to provide the possibility of more scrap consumption versus iron ore.

Kallanish(开阑商务信息咨询)获悉,Schnitzer在一份报告中表示:“最近影响市场的一些因素包括夏季检修和电价高。未来影响市场的因素可能包括:英国脱欧、IMO 2020燃料新规、232条款和所有其他贸易影响,以及新产能。”

“Some of there cent factors affecting today’s market include summer maintenance and expensive power,” Schnitzer says in a report seen by Kallanish.“Future possible effects, meanwhile, could come from: Brexit; IMO 2020 fuel regulations; Section 232 and all other trade impacts; and new capacity.”

BIR废钢部门理事George Adams表示,继5月和6月价格下跌之后,7月美国废钢价格似乎已经触底。这已经得到出口的支撑,6月底和7月初土耳其和亚洲价格均有所上涨。

BIR Ferrous Division board member George Adams says US scrap prices seem to have found a floor in July following price drops in May and June. This has been supported by exports, with prices to Turkey and Asia both seeing incremental increases in late June and early July.

“这使得经销商能够在7月维持废钢价格稳定,而早前一些交易价格下降10美元,” Adams表示。“降价为时过早,随着(美国)热轧卷价格和出口价格双双上升,这些经销商有可能在8月收复损失。由于经销商的废钢回收量不高,废钢供应减少,将给价格带来支撑。”

“That allowed dealers to hold scrap prices steady in July, other than a few early deals at $10 lower,” Adams observes. “That drop was premature, and those dealers will probably see that money returned in August as (US) HRC prices and export prices have both improved. That will be supported by lower scrap availability as intakes at dealer yards remain lethargic.”

BIR废钢部门理事Shane Mellor表示,美国废钢出口方面,需求还算可以,但已经变得较为分散,近日因汇率有利而得到支撑。

In terms of UK scrap exports, there is reasonable demand but it has become more sporadic, buoyed in recent days by attractive exchange rates, according to BIR FerrousDivision board member Shane Mellor.


“Some containe rised markets (particularly Indonesia) have been more difficult to sellin to price-wise while the main export outlets of Turkey, India and Pakistan continue to be very fickle concerning consumption and prices paid,” Mellor comments.


“Many UK merchants continue to report slow intakes at their processing facilities, exacerbating the demand for inter-merchant material, which in turn is hamperingmargins, as participants continue to secure all-important tonnage,” he adds.